The definition of a model has changed in the present times. Earlier, only a slim and tall person could dream of becoming a model. Aspiring models had to shed weight to achieve that perfect physique.
But, as the times are changing, the modeling industry is inviting people of all shapes and sizes to try their luck. Plus-sized models are gaining popularity now a days.
Many people confuse them with curvy models. There is a difference between curvy models and plus-size models.

Curvy is a type of body shape and does not refer to the size of the model. Plus-size, on the other hand, means that the model has comparatively enhanced features and it can be termed as body size.
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How can you become a plus-size model?
You need to work hard to enter the modeling industry, be it regular modeling or modeling as a plus-size model. You must put in a lot of effort to reach your goal. There are a few physical traits that you must possess in order to pursue your dream of becoming a plus-size model.
The majority of plus-size models have a size between 12-14. This size is apt for print
Now, let us have a look at the top twenty hottest plus-size models of the present time.